
The Anatomy of Emotions
Nantwich Book Shop, Nantwich
16 September 2016

Detail from The Anatomy of Emotions by Mark Sheeky Detail from The Anatomy of Emotions by Mark Sheeky Detail from The Anatomy of Emotions by Mark Sheeky Detail from The Anatomy of Emotions by Mark Sheeky

About this event
A performance of The Anatomy of Emotions suite, six videos by Sabine Kussmaul, piano music by Mark Sheeky, and words written by Tim Watson. For this performance Dorothy Woods performed the words and Deborah Edgeley operated the projector.

The night also included The Womb, a video and poem about what a person is made from, the layering of thoughts and feelings, where the poem is read by three poets, overlapping, to create a sense of chatter and multiple layers.

The evening ended with We Are The Forest, a piece where the audience represent trees versus individuals to represent seeds, or cells, a work about how people react to others in crowds.