
On Imagination and Painting
Warrington Art Group, Grappenhall
17 October 2016

Detail from On Imagination and Painting by Mark Sheeky Detail from On Imagination and Painting by Mark Sheeky Detail from On Imagination and Painting by Mark Sheeky Detail from On Imagination and Painting by Mark Sheeky

About this event
A two-hour talk and painting demonstration by Mark Sheeky about his painting process, covering conception of painting ideas, and techniques to increase the imaginative substance in art, followed by demonstrations of some simple surrealist techniques, and the live creation an improvisational oil painting.

The second half of the evening involved a theory guide, and a description of Mark Sheeky's technical creation path, from the idea to finished artwork, including a description of drawing transfer techniques, and a simple demonstration of underpainting, and glazing in oil paints.

The talk included previews of artworks that were currently in progress.