Female God by Mark Sheeky

G159A Female God
Oil and gold paint on panel
Nov 2008 to May 2009, Size 200x200 mm

Detail from Female God by Mark Sheeky

About this painting
Painted as an accompaniment to Eve Eating An Apple While God Looks On, this began only as a pink frilled circle, the automatic landscape was added later.

The circle in a feminine shape, a factor enhanced by the frills and colours. An upward pointing triangle is masculine, but here it is practically inside the forehead of the goddess, and gold. A symbol of power perhaps? The landscape below is filled with grasping growths, reaching upwards, growing, organic, uncertain yet there is freedom and release in the angelic bird that suddenly flies free, perhaps towards the distant female, the triangle pointing downwards observing from the top right hand corner.

Technical details
Automatic painting is essentially doodling in a semi-wakened state. The landscape was painted in dark pink on the dry background then later neatened and shaded with the brown colour.

Female God (Original)
Private collection.