Swan Dive by Mark Sheeky

G93C Swan Dive
Oil on canvas board
Jun 2006, Size 406x508 mm

About this painting
This surreal sketch was originally painted in cobalt blue deep, burnt umber and chrome yellow hue. This was overpainted with broad vertical palette knife strokes giving an effect rather like a dirty, post apocalyptic New York skyline. An American flag on top of the tallest building indicated the setting and the duel nature of this sad painting.

I repainted it on a larger scale, and in stronger colours, choosing plain cobalt blue, and this was the result. It was painted over two days, a long time for a painting with the appearance of looseness, freshness, fastness, but this also adds a rawness of feeling, that meant that this painting remained a bridge between the rough original sketch and the much more refined sequel with screaming faces.

Swan Dive (Original)
Private collection.