The Philosophy of Art

Most artists, most good artists, live in poverty, obscurity, misery, loneliness and decrepitude, and perhaps for the best, even madness. This has happened for time immemorial, although the curse of modern psychological drugs that enslave half of the world's population at this time may destroy this! - however, poverty, obscurity, misery, loneliness, decrepitude and madness are essential for the artist because it is the job of art to comfort, sooth, reassure, and heal; and by providing comfort, reassurance, healing and peace for himself or herself, the artist provides it for others too.

For the artist, art is a religion; exactly so, because the art provides that exact function of peace and joy for the soul that religion of the past aeons has. There are no atheist artists, for art is their God, an art gallery their place of worship, and a place for peace and comfort for the true followers of art.

Mark Sheeky, 18 January 2014