
Improv Night: Beginnings
Mash Guru, Macclesfield
18 September 2018

About this event
One of a series of experimental art performance nights at music venue Mash Guru, curated and organised by Sabine Kussmaul and Mark Sheeky. The theme of the evening was Beginnings.

The night began gently with Sabine Kussmaul on guitar playing variations on intro to a song, followed by a video by Simon Woolham of birds on telephone lines. Mark Sheeky's film 'Trees Die To Become Pencils' was then screened. Participants played a five minute sound piece by Simon Ross containing the beginnings of lots of music pieces, then Deborah Edgeley and Mark Sheeky read a script made only from the first lines of all of Shakespeare's plays.

Michael Chisholm then read six or seven poems from memory, alongside slides in preparation for a live performance event in a month's time. Mark Sheeky read his 'Life of Bees' poem alongside its video and piano music. Then Sabine and Simon Ross played improvised guitar in alternative segments like a duel, using a chess clock operated by Michael Chisholm so that each player had a fixed amount of time to play.