
Selection Box
Crewe Library, Crewe
8 December 2022

Detail from Selection Box by Mark Sheeky Detail from Selection Box by Mark Sheeky Detail from Selection Box by Mark Sheeky Detail from Selection Box by Mark Sheeky

About this event
A set of seasonal works for Christmas. The set list consisted of Sky Robes of Celeste, She Comes More Near The Earth, our take on A Christmas Carol: The Mysteries of This Machine Called Man; followed by Clown Face, I Snowman, Empathy With Daisies, The Bird in Borrowed Feathers, One Hat, Beryl in the Time of Corona, A Delay in Words, and 50 Words For Snow which included metaphors for snow suggested by library visitors.

The second half of the show featured our new version of Mr Tambourine Man, a small open mic section, then Christmas Cards, Janus Never Blinks, The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke, and The Candle Burns.

Photography by Claire Faulkner and Peter Kanalos.