Latest version v1.01, 28 Dec 2010 by Mark Sheeky

Latest version v1.01, 28 Dec 2010

About this game
Triculator is simple software to calculate the correct angles and lengths of framing wood for irregular triangle and quadilateral paintings. If you've got a triangular painting (or a trapezoid, or other irregular shape) you can type the lengths of the sides of the painting into this program, and the indent/rebate (rabbet) in your framing wood and the correct angles and lengths to saw will be calulated and returned.

The program was written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and is supplied here as a simple exe without an installer. You might get a request for some dll files when you first run the program. If so, these will be free Microsoft downloads, do a quick Internet search for them and put them in the same folder as the main program.