I Was Lost But He Led Me
Do you see in that rock there a mark like a T...
It's a mark that I made long ago
when the winter wind drifted
and the mist was a blanket
like a carpet before.
It was cold as the moon in the heart of eclipse
and the sun was a shadowy glow.
Well I thought it was over
when a wandering stranger
led me out of the moor.
In the cold he was with me.
He was there among the heather and the stone.
I was lost but he led me the long way home.
It was time long ago, much before you were born
when your mother was only a child,
and this ragged embankment
was a island of granite
in a vast empty sea.
I was out hereabouts like a wandering sheep.
I was lost and the daylight was wane,
when a shadowy right hand
just appeared from the fog and
was a life line to me.
In the cold he was with me.
He was there among the heather and the stone.
I was lost but he led me the long way home.
I remember my thoughts in the wile and the bleak,
I did not want to lay down and die
and I thought of your mother
and the cottage and fire
that was far and away.
All the times since that day when I've been to this point,
all the golden red sunsets I've seen
all the safety and danger
I owe them to that stranger
who saved me on that day.
In the cold he was with me.
He was there among the heather and the stone.
I was lost but he led me the long way home.