Busy Busy Bee
Busy busy bee where are you flying
because I'm dying for you to
busy over me.
Busying about you're always moving,
you are so clean I expect,
you're my dream insect.
Little yellow thing you are so pretty
and far too busy to ever
notice me around.
Busying about you're always moving.
My little bee to protect.
You're my dream insect.
Come and sit beside me on the lawn today.
I will soothe your business away.
Busy busy bee.
Busy busy bee.
Busy Lizzie be my little bee.
Hovering around, a dot of yellow.
Ignore my hello and keep on
making hummy sounds.
Open tiny eyes and see the whole world
perhaps you'll spot me
and be my busy bee.
Come and sit beside me on the lawn today.
I will soothe your business away.
Busy busy bee.
Busy busy bee.
Busy Lizzie be my little bee.