We All Have Hope

We all have hope, don't we?
We all have hope, don't we?
No matter what the prison,
no matter where the zoo,
for every trap we enter
there must be exits too.

There's always hope, mister.
There's always hope, sister.
A tiny thread of sunshine
is all we need to glow,
and if the maze seems ever vast
just seek a thread to follow
with your hope.

What is easily overlooked
is that the concept of compound interest also applies to knowledge and success,
and that starting correctly very early in life tends to grant success inevitably,
and that failing to do so, often leads to missing out to those who are more adept,
for no reason other than how we all started off.


We all have hope, don't we?
We all have hope, don't we?
For anything can happen
if luck is on your side
but if the Gods aren't kind to you
then let me be your guide.

There's always hope, mister.
There's always hope, sister.
For even death is hopeful,
as Vincent would attest,
he gave his art career a boost
with just a bullet to his chest...

There's always hope.

We all have hope, don't we?
We all have hope, don't we?
And after all there's no free-will
we're fated all the same
Our mother pathed our life,
like her's was pathed
within this game
in which we play.

© Mark Sheeky. Permission is required for reproduction.