Do It
Don't you want to kill me?
Don't you want to do it?
D-D-D-D-Do it?
D-D-Do it?
Cut my skin, slice right through it.
Stab me through my wet heart.
Eat me, start.
Carve me harder, please.
Please d-d-d-d-do it.
Top my skull.
Find a hollow hole inside.
My soul had vacated.
My organs all dried up.
I'm dessicated,
dry meat, tainted.
Happy, I ain't.
Let your acid etch me.
Let your poison burn.
Fetch your gun and click the turn.
Nickel plate and silver bullets,
like an axe is.
Head me.
H-H-H-H-Head me
dead, please.
Awake too long to sleep,
longer than a red curtain, or a sash.
Warm as used cash.
Eat me.
I surrender so defeat me.
Flay me.
Burn me.