Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History by Mark Sheeky
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G1088A Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History
Oil on canvas panel
February 2019, Size 385x285 mm

Detail from Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History by Mark Sheeky Detail from Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History by Mark Sheeky Detail from Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History by Mark Sheeky Detail from Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History by Mark Sheeky

About this painting
One of three paintings developed for an exhibition at Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery exploring ekphrasis; paintings inspired by poems and poems inspired by paintings. The exhibition explored the transformation and evolution of artistic ideas across different media and different artists and poets.

This painting is a response to 'A book with a history - But not a history book' by Maggie Waker. All three works play upon the visual theme of 'The Death of Chatterton' by Henry Wallis.

Ekphrastic Sonata: A Book With A History (Original)
Price: £600.00
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