Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow by Mark Sheeky

G428A Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow
Oil on canvas panel
Jun 2012, Size 264x364 mm

Detail from Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow by Mark Sheeky Detail from Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow by Mark Sheeky Detail from Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow by Mark Sheeky

About this painting
A painting about the artist Grayson Perry. The transvestite artist seems to be eternally enthusiastic, and the image of a scarecrow in a field, gazing in wonder, suddenly amazed by a beautiful pink bird among the crows is an ideal metaphor.

Visually this work is related to my other two scarecrow paintings, and is probably unconsciously linked to those works about loss and victimisation. Perhaps then, this work is about rebirth and confidence.

This is perhaps the first transvestite scarecrow painting in the world.

Technical details
Like most of my paintings, everything has a source image to copy from. The scarecrow here was a plasticine model. The thick string seemed to match the straw hair of the scarecrow and artist perfectly.

Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow (Original)
Private collection.

Portrait Of Grayson Perry As A Fascinated Scarecrow (Signed Limited Edition Reproduction, Of 100)
Price: £125.00
Email contact@marksheeky.com if you would like a print.