Secret Electric Sorcery

Secret Electric Sorcery
Mark Sheeky

Detail from Secret Electric Sorcery Detail from Secret Electric Sorcery Detail from Secret Electric Sorcery

Track List
1. Hitler in High Heels (2:42)
2. Teenage Dreams (3:42)
3. Eyes of Pity (4:38)
4. Be My Jesus (1:50)
5. Passive Aggressive (2:49)
6. Boring Ceefax Lift Music (2:40)
7. Confidence in Kindness (3:14)
8. The Misery's Hard to Take (1:32)
9. Out of Date (3:31)
10. Back When It All Began (3:59)
11. Always in the Morning (4:29)
12. The Ones We Love (5:12)

About This Album
Secret Electric Sorcery is an album of songs, a mix of new-wave electronic with rock guitars, piano and vocals; the next evolutionary step in performance and production.

The themes reflect Mark's feelings of the current times. Teenage Dreams, Eyes of Pity, Be My Jesus, Back When It All Began; these are love songs from an adult perspective. You will find longing, love, loss, reminiscence, and more.

Technical Details
The album artwork began a minimalist homage to Bowie's Low.

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