
The present is the border between the past and future,
slicing time into day and night like a planet's terminator,
sharpest where perception is fastest,
more blunt where perception is slow.

The effect affects a cause as equally as a cause affects an effect.

Time is a matter of perception.
We can perceive only the past because light moves,
and our perceptions are based upon light,
or slower media such as sounds or smells.

From the perception of a timeless being or light-ray
there is time but no past or future,
for there is no motion.

From the perception of a timeless being or light-ray
all things become a perfect-crystal-scuplture of all-things. One eternal perfect-crystal-scuplture.

The fact that the past can be perceived,
but that the future cannot be perceived,
does not make the past more special than the future;
we are powerless to change either.

Our perceptions and understanding can corrupt our view of the future.

Our perceptions of our environment and our deteriorating memory can corrupt our view of the past.

Truth is lost via imperfect perception.

Can perception be perfect?
Can any fragment of perception be perfect?
Can any fragment of perception of any fragment of the universe be perfect?

© Mark Sheeky. Permission is required for reproduction.