The Television Has Stolen The Circus
The television has stolen the circus.
The internet has stolen television.
The affordable flat has stolen the traveller
with taxes and movement restrictions.
Machines have stolen the animals.
Concrete has stolen the trees.
Feminists have stolen and painted the men.
Science has stolen the mysteries.
The masses have stolen the loner.
Satnavs have stolen the mountains,
and even the cats are micro-chipped.
The springs are stainless steel fountains.
Truth has been stolen by a mob of beliefs,
leadership thieved by the led.
Love is the drug-dealer's weapon of choice
now that the TV is dead.
It is the next upgrade that is wondrous.
In our hearts the ape swings
around lamp-posts,
and fear-falls from the tree nest,
howls at the god
that's been stolen
by someone else.