The Birds
From the skies we came.
Our free domain of height.
You would lose any war we choose to fight.
Lords of the air.
Up there, we already dominate.
And where would you be
without one of me on your plate?
Give me an egg mate.
Bear us one of yours?
Peck peck peck.
Eyes eyes eyes.
Our biggest weapon is surprise.
No guns or bombs we need.
We bite you, and you bleed.
Claw claw claw.
Skin skin skin.
We out number you by two.
How can you win?
Learn how to fly?
Make us all extin?
Ct. Nice try.
Soon you will see.
As we set the stage,
as we start the fire in your cage,
as we sing and soar as only is right,
masters of the sky in force
and masters of the flight.