What I Should Have Done
I should have gone to college.
I should have gone to university.
I should have found a girlfriend.
I should have learned to drive.
I should have gone to parties,
had lots of sex, and got a job.
I should have got promoted.
I should have found a wife.
I should have gone on holidays
to Greece, or France, or Manhattan once a year.
I should have had some children, two or three,
while building my career.
I should have bought a mansion,
had flings or an affair
around about the time I lost my hair.
I should have buried both my parents
with dignity and solace
and intro-retrospection for my life.
And then re-loved my wife.
I should retire and settle down
and see my grandchild running through
the corridors and clutter of my house.
And every morning wake up with the same aches.
And every afternoon should gently sleep.
And when I die,
my wife should weep.