An unquakeable faith.
Unshakable power.
Security, warmth.
Love for this hour.
A towering column of strength,
and granite confidence.
World we will quake,
with unquakeable faith.
I hold in my skin
in my being and soul,
intellect, control, will and cold intensity.
A density of steel,
to react and to feel.
To master, command
my future,
and the future of the land of man.
I can be happy each day,
and calm.
I hold my fate in my palm,
and can move it like so.
It is something I know.
I am unshakable glass.
Through me fire can pass,
like a spirit or wind.
I can bend, or move, or stay.
I control this day.
I can see it, be it, sense it, feel it,
react, learn and improve.
I am far beyond the sky's limit.
I see a new, bright and pure white heaven,
and I am in it.