Bricks Through The Windows
With bricks through the windows from left and from right
a balance is all they desire.
Those in the middle stay out of the fight,
while battles of feeling play out in the light,
and crowds set their children on fire.
With bricks through the windows from left and from right
the pieces exchange, a black and a white,
as valuable pieces conspire.
Those in the middle stay out of the fight
of masters and puppets who think they are right
to expound every law from each liar.
With bricks through the windows from left and from right
the weak arms are coloured with violet and white,
thrown by the strong of the swarm without sight as they wave ragged flags to inspire.
Those in the middle stay out of the fight,
and watch scarr'ed dogs scar the people they bite,
and they hide deep away and they make their walls higher
with bricks through the windows from left and from right.
Those in the middle stay out of the fight.