The Two Universes

This is a philosophical hypothesis about the influence of thought upon the universe.

There are two worlds. One out there, the concrete universe; and one made from perceptions, memories and thoughts, the universe built from mind. Both are real.

Modern science sides almost absolutely with the reality of the former, to the extent of excluding the influence of the latter on a philosophical level. If the mind is involved, then the experiment isn't good enough.

Modern philosophy has exponents of both sides yet tends to err towards the latter. The existence of the mind as perception is the easiest to explain and to prove.

For me both exist at once, and the gap between the two is the interesting part because it's an uncertain indefinite border, a chaotic border. The universe can influence the mind, but not wholly and perfectly. The mind can influence the universe, but not wholly and definitely. It's taken as read that the external universe can change the mind, but the mind universe can change the concrete universe to exactly the same imperfect extent.

If a red book is seen as green to me, then it becomes green in my mind's universe. It also becomes partially green, green sometimes, in the concrete universe too. This is not a trick. The red book really does become green, to an extent, in the concrete universe. The power of thought to change the universe is real not because of any magical power but because of the philosophy of mind.

The external redness of the book might have been created at the beginning of time, and remain as such for all time, irrespective of mind. If all minds think the red book green it would still remain partly red for that reason, but it would also become green at times too. The times when the book is red or green cannot exactly be predicted, but the general trend of redness or greenness can be predicted. Time is not essential for this hypothesis either, the book could be partially red and partially green in any dimension.

The inverse is also true, that the concrete universe can transform the mind universe to the same uncertain extent.

As the transmissions of perceptions between each universe is uncertain, then the transmission of any knowledge is uncertain even within either universe. Thus, existence itself in either universe is uncertain. Knowledge of the external universe can never be total, but also knowledge of the mental universe cannot be total or true either. Belief can not create or equate to a truth in either the external or mental universe. Belief itself can never be total, and concrete reality can never be totally real even if mind did not exist.


Belief in or memory of a particular thing or entity partially, but never entirely, creates that entity in the external as well as the mental universe.

Belief in or memory of a particular thing will never completely create that thing even in the mental universe.

The transmission of knowledge can never be exact or precisely predictable, but can occur generally and consistently.

A transient or partial truth can exist and a truth can exist but a total immortal truth cannot exist.

Mark Sheeky, 6 August 2010